Formosan Termites Swarm in Spring in Louisiana

The Formosans are coming, and they’re bringing their friends! While there are plenty of termites in the world, this blog will focus on one of the most fearsome varieties: The Formosan. A single colony of these voracious eaters can contain several million termites that are just itching to start chomping at your property. In fact, Formosan Termite cause billions of dollars’ worth of damage to United States homes every year. Everybody knows that swarming season means more termites, but there’s a lot that you can do to defend your property against the onslaught of destructive pests.

The History of Formosan Termites

Termites were all but strangers to the Gulf Coast until the end of World War II. It’s difficult to place the exact moment when a Formosan set foot on American soil, but it was likely in the 1950’s, when U.S. forces left Japan and China. The Navy used wooden crates to transport many goods and the termites saw that as an invitation to hop aboard. Formosan Termites were first discovered in New Orleans by Dr. William Spink, from Louisiana State University in the mid-1960s.

In all of history, once a Formosan Termite has been exposed to a new region, they are there to stay. Formosan Termites have never been successfully eradicated from an area. Today, Louisiana is one of the top ten states where homeowners are susceptible to termite risk. Formosans love the heat and the humidity, which is why their swarming season lasts from the spring to the summer months. But Formosans are around all year long. Just because you don’t see any swarming, doesn’t mean they’re not patiently scouting out your home.

What is a Formosan Termite?

Formosans stand apart from their termite brethren because of their destructive ability. While subterranean termites are found in every state but Alaska (lucky them), Formosan termites prefer to torment the southern states. They are recognized by their fuzzy-looking wings, egg-shaped head and two short pinchers.

The scariest difference may be that Formosan termites build “cartons” that conserve moisture within their nests. Because of their frightening ingenuity, Formosans can continue to comfortably build their nests without having to return to the soil for moisture.

How Do I Know if I have Formosan Termites?

Formosan termites are of the subterranean variety, meaning that they live underground and move within your walls. In order to navigate your home from their underground colony, Formosans use a public transportation route known as “Mud Tubes.” These tubes are constructed from soil and wood and they can stretch all throughout your house, enabling Formosans to quickly navigate to the yummiest pieces of wall. Mud Tubes also make a Formosan Invasion easy to identify. In addition to building brown pillars of mud in your interior and exterior walls, there are a few other symptoms that will help you identify a termite problem:

·       Quiet Clicking: It’s creepy, but it’s true. “Soldier” termites alert the rest of the colony if they are in danger by hitting their heads against the wall. This results in an eerie chorus of clicking that is undeniable termite-related.

·       Shed Wings: Flying termites shed their wings shortly after finding a mate. Discarded wings are a bad sign, because it means that the termites have already gotten to work building a colony inside your home.

·       Frass (Termite Droppings): Termite droppings look like a dark, dusty-looking substance, and are often used by termites to help construct their nests.

·       Wall Damage: If you see an unexpected crack in your wall, or bubbles in your ceiling or wall paper, you may have termites already eating away at your property.

·       Sticking Windows/Doors: Termite damage impacts the structural integrity of frames such as windows and doors. If you can’t open and close your door, it could be a sign that termites have started nibbling.

DIAL ONE is Offering up to $150 Off Termite Contracts


If you don’t have a termite contract, your home is vulnerable to a Formosan attack! And because Termites don’t practice social distancing, DIAL ONE Franklynn Pest Control is offering you up to $150 off a termite treatment to protect your home, during this pandemic! DIAL ONE is the Greater New Orleans Area’s leader in pest control and has over 50 years of experience ridding homes of termite colonies. Call now for a free estimate! 504-885-3101